Problem Verification
The child completes the basics of the intelligence, ability/talent, language and character development in the first five years of its life basing on the messages and teachings provided by the family and surrounding environment. Thus, the BabyAcademy dreamed of a society in which not only the mother but also the father assuming roles and responsibilities in the care and development of the child (i.e. sharing the responsibilities with the father) and the child is taught not its gender identity in the first place but “its abilities and potential”; whereas, applied to the Assistance Program. The team started its works for assessing the target population and insight of the project by all means together with the stakeholders. Efforts put to understand how can the father be included more and more in such process.

Solution Verification
The mothers being understood by the society and fathers as the sole person responsible for the care and development of the child and being under a pressure of “perfect mother” by the other mothers causes the woman to carry the load all alone. Thus, the woman starts in time to identify herself only as the mother and loses her confidence gradually. On the other hand, BabyAcademy team recognized that attitudes, communication preferences and equal mother-father role models have not been established even in the families claiming to be aware of social gender equality; and thus the potentials of the children are limited. The team aims to be a first and only in the world by means of preparing different contents for the mothers and fathers requiring different motivations of correct role models; and particularly by serving the most practical and easily accessible routes required by the father.