imece, is a social innovation platform which brings people and institutions which lead the change together by generating innovative and sustainable solutions for social, ecological and cultural matters with the right resources. It designs elevated impact bringing processes and provides the necessary transformation.
In our rapidly changing world, traditional approaches stand inadequate when trying to solve modern day problems. We don’t know how to be a part of solutions although we wish to be a part of it when it comes to social issues about education, environment and health.The answer to “How can I do it?” for us is to transform ourselves and our surroundings as we produce.
To think together, design together and aim to solve together…
We, currently do this in 4 different ways:
With the Incubation Process based on the themes determined in line with the 17 Global Goals,
With the social entrepreneurship projects included in the Incubation Process,
With our open innovation laboratory imeceLAB which reaches out to the youth,
With the resources, and the activities that we organize for social benefit and innovation,
we generate innovative and sustainable approaches by focusing on the spirit of producing together.
imece is a word that only exists in Turkish, and it has no one-word equivalent in other languages. This word, meaning “collective work,” is a gift from Anatolian culture to the world literature. It refers to a culture of doing tasks in which everyone contributes evenly and voluntarily, and the problems are solved in cooperation. This collective way of problem solving of Anatolian people inspired us to adapt this culture to new business models. Well, this is how we set off.
Our story started with a question: how can we, altogether, find innovative and sustainable solutions to social issues?

Today’s world is facing challenges that are complex in nature and require a collaborative effort among multiple stakeholders, inputs from various disciplines and an entrepreneurial approach. Sustainable and systemic solutions can be created and their impact can be scaled only in this way. ATÖLYE was founded based on these pillars, and it is this foundational approach that ATÖLYE is bringing to imece.

As S360, we believe that a “different future” is possible on this land we live. This belief inspires us to create this “different future” altogether, hand in hand. In the current chaotic environment, where we fuel ourselves with uncertainty, imece promises to make a difference, and design a future altogether. In imece, we are helping the realisation of scalable initiatives with strong social impact, which will contribute to create a different future, and building infrastructure of new companies essential for a world based on social benefit.

Adding value to our country’s economy is one of our priorities. We feel responsible towards the society and we work to add material and moral value to all of our social stakeholders. We care for people, believe in the power of a human-centered approach and teamwork, and think that our work and every project we are in should create shared value for society. Our approach to environmental protection bears priority in all echelons of Zorlu Holding.