What is it?

Ulaşımania is an application that relies on maps and the GPS system. The functions of the app are threefold. The first is density detection. Ulaşımania will present the traffic density and estimated comfort for all the possible routes the user may take to reach their destination. At the same time, the app will inform the user about various public transportation options by displaying comments from other users. The second function is the determination of the ideal route. The user will be presented with ideal routes based on criteria such as time and comfort. The user will be able to choose one of these routes based on their priorities and be able to access all sorts of information relevant to that route. The third function is user-defined routes. The users will be able to pick a route on the map using the means of transportation whose traffic density they can see in the app, then get an estimate of the total time the route would take, enabling them to adjust their routes as they please.


Instantly when people arrive in Istanbul for the first time, they encounter traffic that confirms what they’ve always heard. Metros, buses and other means of public transport are so crowded that it becomes a true hardship for people with special needs, such as disabled people, people with children, or pregnant women, to use public transportation. These people, as a solution to this, have to transport with their private vehicles and contribute to the traffic in Istanbul. For this reason, the team aims to present the people with the most suitable route in terms of comfort and time, and thus create a balance between public transportation and traffic, thereby reducing the congestion in both.