
LTS has made an application and pointed out the necessity of educational content that encourage children from all socio-economic groups to contemplate over existential and ethical questions. They argued that the main aim was not to focus on individual problems but to contemplate, speak and understand together, as a community.

Define, Ideate

Farklı meslek gruplarından insanlar, öğretmenler, okul yöneticileri, akademisyenler, ebeveynler, sivil toplum kuruluşları, kuluçka merkezlerindeki girişimciler/sosyal girişimcilerle görüşüldü. Edindiği içgörülerle P4C yöntemine uygun uluslararası nitelikte içerik üretmeyi hedefledi. Felsefe Kutusu adını verdikleri ürün, belli bir felsefi soruna odaklanmış 4 uygulamadan oluşan, her öğretmenin kolaylıkla sınıfında kullanabileceği bir eğitim materyali haline geldi.

Prototype, Test, Develop

Based on the output they collected from test and prototype processes, they designed the Philosophy Box. The box includes 4 exercises based on a specific theme. Each exercise includes 8 Story Cards, 2 Question Cards, 8 Possible Answer Cards/Backup Character Cards and 1 Teacher’s Guide. The product will be placed on a web site, alongside a 3-4 minute video production where the exercises are displayed and explained. The sales and communication regarding the product will be held through this website. They plan to create various versions of the product (book, digital etc.) in the future.

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