Problem Verification
Wo-Co platform is designed to constitute of “Wo-Desk”, “Wo-Academy”, “Wo-Gap”, “Wo-Home” and “Wo-Coin” modules. The platform includes three basic modules to provide information (Wo-Academy), inspiration (Wo-Gap) and practical (Wo-Desk) support to the corporate employees. Besides, before the Incubation Process, two additional modules which will assist the overcoming of the barriers obstructing the career progress of the women in business life, namely Wo-Home and Wo-Coin, are planned to be placed. Wo-Co platform preferred elimination of its modules together with activation of the the Incubation Process. It is decided to serve several contents through a single module to realize the targets in short term. The biggest gain of the idea verification works was the ability to assess the ideas under a factual projection perspective.
Solution Verification
Wo-Co team performed face to face interviews, group interviews and surveys through its field works. Many valuable insights are obtained during the field works. Through the face to face interviews, it is understood that the women leaders should coincide with the requirements of the new course of the world and, that, such a superior feature would generate an alternative for the existing leadership templates. The group interviews showed that there are certain “boys” clubs in corporate environments whereas even such imaginary structures may prevent women to participate in qualified positions since can not be in such clubs. One of the surprising survey results is, even not disclaiming the idea of man-woman equality, but woman managers are under a prejudiced point of view. The initially online designed platform had been transformed to face to face training under a team decision. However, when considered the feedback responses obtained, the requirement for online platform and contents came back in a more strong manner. Moreover, aiming to have more effective online education contents, gamification method has been proposed and started to be analyzed.