Hack the Crisis Turkey / 27 – 29 March 2020
How can we face the challenges posed by the coronavirus crisis as a community and encourage the development of new solutions together?
Hack the Crisis Turkey, focusing on solidarity and engagement will be organized by ATÖLYE and imece, facilitated by ara studio on 27 – 29 March 2020, to enable discovering new opportunities in digital. While the unexpected pandemic’s phases are being experienced by communities in different times but in a similar flow, steps for not only suspending the situation but also for turning the tables are begun to be taken. Communities, organizations and companies have initiated cover up solutions to support the health, safety and wellbeing of individuals, society and organizations over the crisis atmosphere.
After the crisis, the initiatives in Estonia clustered to ‘Hack the Crisis’ and created a hackathon for offering technologic solutions for crisis and post-crisis. In partnership with Garage 48 and Accelerate Estonia, 96 ideas from 860+ individuals came up together in 6 hours, as 30 teams working on from healthcare to education, media to coaching, from community curation to remote-working software. So, the first hackathon held on 13 – 15 March 2020 in collaboration with the public and private sector has arisen as an inspiration reflecting the game changing and healing power of communities.
Despite the crisis’ rapid expansion, whilst in a phase that fast and correct measures can change the trajectory, many countries are taking their place in the support mechanism. Following the second hackathon between 17 – 19 March 2020 in Latvia, 19 countries including Poland, Ukraine, Mexico, Finland, Austria, Norway, Germany, Canada, Denmark and Turkey are hosting hackathon series to hack the crisis.
Hack the Crisis pursuits to transform an acute problem where individuals from various disciplines come together and find solutions for gradual problems that the world is facing. Focusing on preceding and facilitating the process with a novel approach that Covid-19 has interrupted, Hack the Crisis Turkey is developing solutions nurturing from an interdisciplinary area including sociology, design, technology, psychology, human resources, business management, communications at a digital agora.
Within Hack the Crisis Turkey, inspired from the good examples in Estonia, believing in the role of new methods and improvements creating new opportunities that majority can reach and benefit from, we invite you to develop new products, services, approaches and applications in the areas indicated below:
Health and Emergency:
How might we facilitate the emergency and medical intervention for medical staff, patients, patient relatives and all medical suppliers in terms of technology, material, logistics and information sharing?
Social and Psychological Situation:
How might we build solutions to facilitate reaching the knowledge and materials, empowering the wellness and morale of individuals and communities for supporting them and building solidarity in the social distancing phase?
Education and Learning:
How might we develop the interactive and facilitating learning and interaction atmosphere, enabling access to knowledge for groups with different needs?
Economy and Future of Work:
How might we transform professional life in practices of postponing, remote working, collective digital working due to coronavirus crisis? How might we alleviate the effects of the economic crisis for individuals and companies?
Hack the Crisis Turkey accepts the applications of ideas or projects of individuals and teams. Individuals will be encouraged building teams or joining into the teams throughout the process. 25 teams will be selected for the mentorship and design outreach. Other teams may continue the process with their own resources and participate in the open sessions and training to represent their project ideas at the end of the period.